You always hear it; “Everyone needs a break”, “Step back and come back strong”, “Re-booting is necessary

After July 2018 things got a little harder in life and I took a step back. Weeks and months past and my motivation was deteriorating but my plans for JustForYou was still in the back of my mind. Like a beacon calling out and saying my work is not yet done. My time of absence was much needed, and those sayings are true. Stepping away is ok, as long as you know you HAVE to come back and come back strong. Now as I’m resurfacing I’ll say;

“Motivation is central to creativity, productivity, and happiness.

My taking a break allowed me to reboot. Motivation is what causes us to act, and when we do, we create movement, growth, and change; we feel powerful knowing that our creation can impact others. With that said I’d like to share the 4 reasons why my momentum stalled and what I did to combat them;


Yup, starting off strong. My fears were based on my imagination rather than on an accurate assessment of my skills. So, I wanted to keep it “safe” which prevented me from going forward into territory that’s both desirable and safe.

How I got motivated again: I listed my fears so that I could physically see them, out in the open, then worked towards disproving them.

Setting the Wrong Goals

We’re surrounded by so many messages that feed into our social selves. There were times when I felt unmotivated because I was setting goals based purely on what my social self wants and that was pulling me away from what my essential self needs.

How I got motivated again: Honestly, I had to get off social media. I was altering my goals, based off what I was seeing. So, I disconnected to hyper-focus on my goals, removing that altered reality and becoming familiar with my goals.

Being Burnout

There are times we’re want to get more done even after we’ve exceeded our limit on what’s sustainable. Causing ourselves to be pushed too long and hard and ultimately burning us out.

How I got motivated again: Sleep! After I actually rested my quality of thinking was restored. Sleeping is soooo important and we tend to forget how important  

Unclear Next Steps

My end-goal is nice and clear, but I didn’t break out my smaller goals towards it. That resulted in me getting stuck, confused, and unmotivated when it was time to take action. Accomplishing low hanging fruit goals matters a great deal. Before you know it, you’ll be close to that finish line

How I got motivated again: In order to keep my motivation flowing steadily through all stages, I took time to create a lineup of clear project plans.

There it is, 4 (of many) reasons why I halted for a bit and action steps I took to remedy them. Hope you all took a lesson from my experience or if you’re currently in that phase- take a page from my book and try it out!

Until Next Time,

Francisca Moliere

Le Marketing Guru of sorts