I find the continuous motion of marketing fascinating. When I see ads I’m always considering why the ad agency chose to use that specific model, that color t-shirt, that tagline. The list goes on and on. I recently saw an ad and sat there thinking, “Why do I know this is a TJ Maxx commercial?“. Without a logo being shown, without a voiceover informing me it was TJ Maxx. I instinctively knew which brand it was. How have they convinced me that the style of ad I was watching is exclusive to their brand without so much as a logo on the bottom right of the screen?

Answer: Consistency.

TJ Maxx consistently serve up light backgrounds, bold outfits, and some white and red touches. Yes, there are variations to this formula (some with the logo saturating every inch of the screen), but nonetheless the ad screams their brand for more reasons than just the brand name popping up.

Consistency makes your brand feel more dependable and takes you to the next level in marketing.  Brand recognition is not just about getting your name out there. It’s about helping consumers get to know your brand on a personal level. You want to get to a point where you’re no longer convincing consumers to stop and your buy your product or service. To a place where your brand is so consistent, so synonymous with the experience that when they see your signature brand logo they are already thinking about what they need from you without you even having to ask.

It’s all about building trust and people trust brands they recognize. Developing a seamless look for your brand across your website and social media channels will make them feel more comfortable with your brand, and will make them more likely to engage with you. Interacting with consumers through a consistent brand voice and aesthetic is a major step towards letting them get to know you as an organization. When they know you, they will identify with you and your purpose. And when consumers feel like they know you and can trust you, they will be more likely to engage often and recommend you to their peers.

One of many things JustForYouthat provides that will help jumpstart your branding is building a Brand Element. Here is where we decipher your colors; primary, secondary. Your typography; title, text, and subtext and everything in between. Once you have that squared away and in a formal format you are ready to produce content with a consistent look and feel!



Alrighty, that’s all folks!

Until Next Time


If you would like to talk more about marketing and what elements you need for your business or brand, please feel free to reach out. I’m happy to help in any way I can!